

Grand Prix Awards – NSWFA’s annual awards for excellence

Awards for competition results
  • Grand Prix Champions – the highest ranked fencer in each competition category
  • Grand Prix Champion Clubs – the highest performing clubs based on their members’ competition results
  • Athlete of the year
  • Young athlete of the year
  • Veteran athlete of the year
  • Para-athlete of the year
  • Young para-athlete of the year
Awards for outstanding contributions to fencing

Awarded by the Board.

  • Coach of the year
  • Official of the year
  • Young official of the year
  • Volunteer of the year
  • Young volunteer of the year
Awards for outstanding clubs

Awarded by the Board based on nominations from clubs. Please send your club’s nomination and details of your achievements for the year to by 1 November.

  • Metro club of the year
  • Regional club of the year
Awards for extraordinary achievement

Awarded by the Board.

  • NSWFA Blue Award – this award was inaugurated in 2023 to recognise the achievements of Genevieve Janse van Rensburg and Veronika Vasileva.
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